The Shoulders/Arms
There are three main armor components of the biker scout arms:
The Shoulder Pads
The Shoulder pad is about,21.5 cm tall, 15.25 cm wide and 9 cm deep. The depth of the bell shape depends on the body size of the wearer. We custom sculpted ours out of clay on a mannequin.
Notice that the ILM shoulder pads are curved from the front side and straight from the side view. This is caused from the shape of the Bells natural curve and carefully cutting the plastic to match the curve, therefore forming the correct angles.
You will probably want to refer to our plaster casting , vacuumforming sections, and fiber-glassing to make your final parts.
The Biceps
The bicep armor is a cylinder shape with a raised box molded onto the top of the cylinder. We used a piece of PVC pipe to make our cylinders, then sculpted and tweaked the raised box out of wood. The T-bit recessed area on the top of the box-shape was done with a hand router and a cutting template, ensuring that we kept the router lines smooth. Unlike every other part on the Biker Scout costume, there are no webstrap indention areas where the webbing slots are cut into the armor.

The bicep is about 14 cm tall, 9 cm deep and 11.5 cm wide (4.5 inches). The raised box area is 9 cm long and 6.5 cm wide. The Bicep is not a complete cylinder, as it utilizes a webstrap on the inner part of the arm to secure the armor to the wearer.

THe Bicep has a black T-Bit greeblie placed in a recessed area of the raised area of armor. The top part of the T-Bit consists of a part from the a 1978 MPC Darth Vader TIE Fighter plastic model kit and the bottom part is a part from a late-1980's 1/6 scale Harley Davidson FXE1200 AMF Super Glide model kit made by Tamiya.

You will probably want to refer to our plaster casting , vacuumforming sections, and fiber-glassing to make your final parts.
The Elbow Pads
Like the bicep armor, the Elbow Pad only encircles half of the wearers arm. It is cylinder shape, but it also has a slight curve to it's length. The elbow armor is roughly 14 cm long, 11.5 cm wide and 9 cm tall. The flat surface on the top side of the elbow pad seems to be 3.8 cm wide.
The Elbow armor is bevelled on all sides of the edges, and there are webstrap indention areas where the webbing slots are cut into the armor. See the Reference Images to gather more information.

For sizing issues we took measurements from three different fanmade Biker Scout suits and came up with this generic template which is fairly close to repesenting the ILM made armor.

If you notice in the Reference Images page, the elbow pad is not only a cylinder, but it has a curved shape also. We decided to use a piece of curved PVC pipe to recreate this curvature for our molds.

We used .125 guage sheet plastic and cut the flat black ridge which goes along the top of the elbow armor. We took this plastic strip and glued it down to the PVC pipe.

Here is the final elbow pad vacuum mold after we plaster cast the PVC master.
You will probably want to refer to our plaster casting , vacuumforming sections, and fiber-glassing to make your final parts.
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