Armor Assembly
There should be about 26 plastic parts that come in a Snowtrooper Armor kit...
- 1 Helmet Dome
- 1 Helmet Cowl
- 1 Helmet Google
- 2 Shoulder Ribbed Straps
- 2 Shoudler Bells
- 1 Chest Plate
- 1 Abdomen Plate
- 1 Groin Plate
- 1 Backpack Left Plate
- 1 Backpack RightPlate
- 1 Backpack Front Plate
- 1 Backpack BackPlate
- 1 Right Forearm
- 1 Left Forearm
- 2 Forearm Gauntlets
- 2 Hand Plates
- 2 Kneecaps
- 1 Thermal Detonator Pipe
- 1 Thermal Detonator Pipe Cover
- 2 Thermal Detonator Endcaps