ILM Reference PicturesBelow are images from the Star Wars movies and some images from magazines and touring exhibits that had Tusken Raider references worth posting. Most of these images are owned by Lucas Films and ILM, so please use these images for educational purposes only. Magic of the Myth ExhibitThis is a close-up shot taken from under the snout of the Tusken Raider. You can see the "gaffers tape" used to hold the leather in place underneath. This is a very rare and informative shot. A good side shot of the ILM head. A very rarely seen image of the back of the costume. See how ILM attached their sash? Very low-tech. :) An overall side shot of the head. A good image of the neck respirator on the screen used ILM costume. Another 3/4 shot of the head. We had a bit of glass reflection in this one. All these amazing "Magic of the Myth" images were taken with a 35mm Canon EOS Rebel camera with a Sunpack detachable flash. Film prints are invaluable reference when working in the art studio. I am offering film copies of these prints as a set for $25.00 (shipped inside the USA). Email Us. Printed Reference Material
A full body shot of the 1977 Tusken Raider Costume with inner robes only. 1.4 MB (Scanned from the Star Wars Chronicles book) An upper body shot of the 1977 Tusken costume. 1.1 MB (Scanned from the Star Wars Chronicles book) Another full body shot of the 1977 Tusken Costume, this time with head turned 95% sideways. 1.7 MB (Scanned from the Star Wars Chronicles book) A close up scan of the 95% turned head. Good reference for patterning your wraps off of. (Scanned from the Star Wars Chronicles book) |